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Make O&G field development management decisions faster and easier with our solutions

Main Company's directions

E&P software development

We are a creating ProPlast software solution covering many customer needs related to production analysis and development optimization. ProPlast software solution consists of a set of modules and supports its own open API.


Custom software development

Development of custom software and automation tools for the customer’s internal tasks, in the Explaration and Production field

Our Experts are always ready to provide support and take part in projects to automate technological chains related to the tasks of fields production optimization

E&P Software development
  • Pro-Plast software solution

    Pro-Plast is designed to assist in making operational decisions to optimize Hydrocarbon field development. It constists of Base, Advanced modules and Plugins

  • Plugins development

    Custom applications and plugins developed to solve customer need, based on Pro-Plast ecosystem

  • Pro-Plast API & Guidelines for 3rd party developers

    Joining our ecosystem You get opportunity to create, internal use and sell your own made applications with no infrastructure development cost.

ProPlast software solution

is designed to assist in making operational decisions to optimize Hydrocarbon field development

Target audience
    • Reservoir Engineers
    • Geologists

    • Data management & configuration
    • Estimated calculations and analysis
    • Project Managers
    • Chief Geologists
    • Data evaluation
    • Results viewing
    • Analysis of output data
    • Tool kit for decision making

ProPlast Software

AI Based Solution for Reservoir Management

Decisions are made based on hybrid models that combine simplified physical flow models and production data analysis using AI algorithms

Functionality of ProPlast software
Base module
Basic ecosystem tool kit
  • • Tools for visualization and analysis of 3D flow modeling data in a web-based application
  • • Open API for data access and integration with existing third-party applications without the cost of expensive infrastructure
Advance modules
Additional native and/or third-party applications
  • • Development of individual extensions and plugins to solve specific client problems
Well placement optimization
Production analysis and field development optimization
  • • Support for vertical and horizontal wells
  • • Identification of candidate wells for drilling sidetracks and optimization of their trajectory
  • • Taking into account the influence of uncertainty in reservoir filtration properties on the production of new wells
Advance modules
Production analysis and field development optimization
  • • Optimization of the system for maintaining reservoir pressure: optimization of waterflooding, optimization of transfers
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